United Kingdom Mobile Air Movements Squadron

01 May 1966 - 10 November, 2006
Your Name:
Your Email:
Contact Phone No.:
New Record
Task Month:
Task Year:
Team Leader:
Team Members:
Task Title:
Task Detail:
Existing Record
Be aware and don't share
any sensitive material
Additions to the Five-Forty
The unit was initially formed as a Section at RAF Abingdon in 1958, consisting of 4 teams (a team being 1 officer, 2 SNCOs, 1 Cpl and 2 Airmen). No Headquarters was established and all programming and administration was done by the Officer i/c the teams. Progress had been made and as of June 1965 a Headquarters had been established and the teams increased from 4 to 7.

On the 1st May 1966, squadron status and the title UNITED KINGDOM MOBILE AIR MOVEMENTS SQUADRON (UKMAMS) was attained. The ‘squadron’s’ primary role is to provide a mobile force of highly skilled air movements specialists capable of establishing, or reinforcing, air movements sections whenever required, as an essential pre-requisite to the flexible employment of Air Transport.
What we see on the indexed pages is a partial record of the squadron tasking from May 1966 to November 2006 (the period of time that the squadron was in existence).  There were periods in that time that the records were either sketchy or non-existent - it all depended on the Duty Ops Officer (drawn from team leaders) who was lucky enough to have the job at the time.  Regrettably, the historical importance of keeping accurate records was not emphasized.

The form to the left has been created to allow chaps (and chapesses) to notify us of their own tasks. Also it will allow us to expand on the records already published. 

In addition to filling in the gaps, what we would like to see are more names of the individuals in the teams - the common practice for the Duty Ops Officer back in the day was to list the name of the team leader followed by “plus 5” or however many went along for the ride.  Some were good and listed the names of all of the team members, but unfortunately the majority didn’t.
I believe the form is self-explanatory, but if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to contact me at ukmamsoba@gmail.com

Special thanks to Ian Berry for the records research.